Our Story 品牌起源

Italy, the home of luxurious marbles and pristine limes, is also home to Italian Decorative.

意大利是奢华大理石和天然石灰石的故乡,也是Italian Decorative起源的故乡。

It’s where we ideate and create our plasters and luxury paints, with some of the world’s finest materials at our disposal.


We began our journey in Venice, the city that holds art and tradition in its every brick, tile, and wall. It made for the perfect place for us, a mere group of artisans that shared the same love for the art of Italian plasters, to come together and begin a new journey in the form of Italian Decorative with the aim of sharing this love with the world.

我们在威尼斯开始了我们的旅程,这座城市的每一块砖、每一块瓦和每一面墙都蕴含着艺术和传统。它为我们创造了一个完美的地方,我们只是一群对意大利涂料有着同样热爱的工匠,聚集在一起,以Italian Decorative的形式开始新的旅程,目的是与世界分享这种爱。

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